NETWORK_PASSPHRASE="Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015" ACCOUNTS=[ "GCI7DDZBL3R4VR7RXNPFMIOFTO6XBDJBUA7JRRCVPHPQZ2ACE2P74VIA", "GDQWKDWLHUDEBTR4FEL67PV2X56JH2RAKPZEW4F5DT6HS4XJ3KNSATQS"] [DOCUMENTATION] ORG_NAME="Infinite" ORG_URL="" ORG_LOGO="" ORG_DESCRIPTION="Infinite Token (IFT) is not just another digital asset—it’s your key to unlocking the next frontier of AI-powered innovation and financial growth. With IFT, you gain exclusive access to an ecosystem of more than 10+ cutting-edge AIs designed to create, launch, and promote tokens on your behalf. These AIs are not only capable of generating digital assets but also creating real, liquid capital that can be seamlessly exchanged for real-world currency." ORG_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS="IFT" ORG_OFFICIAL_EMAIL="" ORG_SUPPORT_EMAIL="" [[CURRENCIES]] code="IFT" name="Infinite" issuer="GCI7DDZBL3R4VR7RXNPFMIOFTO6XBDJBUA7JRRCVPHPQZ2ACE2P74VIA" desc="Infinite Token (IFT) is not just another digital asset—it’s your key to unlocking the next frontier of AI-powered innovation and financial growth. With IFT, you gain exclusive access to an ecosystem of more than 10+ cutting-edge AIs designed to create, launch, and promote tokens on your behalf. These AIs are not only capable of generating digital assets but also creating real, liquid capital that can be seamlessly exchanged for real-world currency." image="" status="live" display_decimals=7 fixed_number=25000000